Saturday, March 8, 2014

Australia by SAndra Muñoz


Flag                                                                                        Coat of Arms

Flag of Australia.svgCoat of arms of Australia.svg

Officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country formed by  the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and other smaller island. It is the world’s sixth- largest country by total area. 
  The capital city  is Camberra. The oficial currency is Australian Dollar. 
The weather is much of the northern part of the country has a tropical, predominantly summer-rainfall climate. The southwest corner of the country has a Mediterranean climate. Much of the southeast is temperate. (including Tasmania)
The language is English. Australian English is more variety of the language with a distinctive accent and lexicon

A surfer on the Gold Coast an iconic global image of Australian tourism focuses on its beaches.  Which are an integral part of the Australian identity

 Sydney is  the largest city of Australia

The most well known attractions that you can go is the Sydney Opera House, and the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Other attractions tha we can visit is the Sydney Mardi Gras, Royal Botanical Gardens, Luna Park, the Beaches and Sydney Tower

-The Sydney Harbour Bridge, is the main crossing of Sydney Harbour carrying rail, vehicular, and pedestrian traffic between the Sydney central business district and the North Shore.

-Sydney tower is Sydney’s tallest free- standing structure, and the second tallest in Australia, it is also the second tallest observation tower in the Southern Hemisphere after Auckland, New Zealand’s Sky tower.
 The view from Sydney Tower

In Darling Harbour we can visit too:
Sydney Entertainment Center
Sydney’s Chinese Gardens
Tumbalong park
Sydney Convention and Exhibition Center
Australian National maritime Musseum
The Star casino
Sydney Aquarium
Wildlife World.

-The Sydney Opera House, is one of the most distinctive and famous 20th century buildings, and of the most famous performing arts venues in the world.

 Giraffes at Taronga Zoo, one of the largest metropolitan zoo’s in the world.
Taronga is the city zoo of Sydney, it’s home to over 2600 animals on 28,7 hectares

 The Pavlova has been consumed in Australia since 20th century
Australian culture is a broad and varied as the country’s landscape.

Australia is multicultural and multiracial and this is reflected in the country’s food, lifestyle and cultural practices and experience.

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