Tuesday, November 12, 2013

France by Cristian Cossio


I am going to talk about France. France is a country that has given many names in the world of science, arts, and literature. France is one of the most important countries in the world for it is cultural level.
It is a country where the culture has been highlighted through history with great painters, writers, artists, and many traditions.
The official language is French. In France, the currency is the Euro. The nationality of France is French.
In France you can eat bread and cheese. Each region of France has a different type of cuisine. You can eat lots of sea food and lots of delicious wine.
One of the most important cities is Lyon. You can visit museums, beaches, and squares. You can wear skimpy clothes in summer and many coats in winter. In the summer the day is longer. You can visit the Tour Eiffel, Arc de Triomphe, and Notre-Damme. You can go to watch rugby and riding.

Cristian Miguel Cossio S.

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